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5 Reasons you should continuously use an Air Monitoring System

The following five key reasons outline why chemical air monitoring systems should be continuously utilised;


1. Sense of smell is not a reliable detection method.

Concentration of PAA vapours reaching a dangerous level cannot be determined by the human nose. Olfactory (which forms our sense of smell) fatigue can also set in, which is often a result of prolonged exposure and losing sensitivity to odours.


2. Hydrogen Peroxide, Ethylene Oxide or Peracetic Acid chemicals are highly toxic.

If you are using Hydrogen Peroxide, Ethylene Oxide or Peracetic Acid in your facility, you are likely using these chemicals to kill microorganisms and resistant spores. Due to using such chemicals, these are classified as being very toxic to people and their use needs to be monitored.


3. Explosion and Fire Hazard.

Such chemicals at high concentrations may be a fire hazard, causing the possibility of an explosion. Air monitoring detects when chemicals are at a high level and risk of explosion and fire hazard.


4. Chemical vapours pose serious health risks to those exposed.

Chemical vapour exposure can result in an array of health risks that include shortness of breath, coughing / eye and respiratory irritation. In more serious cases, pulmonary edema and cancer. By implementing an air monitoring system ensures your workers safety and health is protected.


5. Employers must provide a safe work environment WHS (Work, Health and Safety)

Employers must ensure that a worker is not exposed to chemicals above the workplace exposure standard. With continuous monitoring you can promote your workers safety and in turn, demonstrate to your employees that you value their safety.

To learn more about our air monitoring systems click here Air Monitoring & Safety Solutions – ECOLAB

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