OptiPro Multi Enzyme

Concentrated multi-enzymatic low foaming detergent for manual and ultrasonic cleaning

ARTG 235775

OptiPro Multi Enzyme


  • Optipro is a concentrated multi-enzymatic detergent with outstanding cleaning performance for manual and ultrasonic cleaning of surgical instruments and manual cleaning of endoscopes.
  • Optipro provides improved removal of hard-to-clean soils, reducing soaking time and brushing through advanced, multi-enzymatic technology.
  • Optipro is versatile and multi-purpose; it can be used as a presoak, manual cleaner, ultrasonic detergent, and flexible endoscope detergent in all water and soil conditions.
  • Optipro’s low-foaming, crystal clear use solution allows visibility of instrumentation in the sink.
  • Optipro has a neutral pH, non-corrosive and free-rinsing formulation which is compatible with surgical instruments and flexible endoscopes.
  • Optipro effectively removes hard-to-see soil residues that can remain after cleaning.
  • Optipro uses the latest enzyme technology, specific for surgical soils, with optimised surfactants for removal of lipids and is suitable for use in a wide range of water temperatures.
  • Optipro is phosphate-free to help reduce environmental impact and contains biodegradable surfactants.
  • Optipro is safe to use on all aluminium, zinc, nonferrous metals and other delicate materials.
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Product Code Product Description Pack Size Quote
7100721 OptiPro Multi-Enzyme, 3.78 L 4 Pk

Safety Information

Do not mix with any other products. For further information, safety instructions and health warnings, see product label and Safety Data Sheet.


Manual Cleaning of Flexible Endoscopes:

  • The cleaning solution should be made fresh for every scope.
  • Dilute OptiPro Multi-Enzymatic Manual Detergent Concentrate at 1-4 mL/L of warm water.
  • Proceed with the flexible endoscope cleaning process per the device manufacturer’s written IFU.
  • Rinse and flush items per the device manufacturer’s written IFU, then proceed with the decontamination process.


Ultrasonic Cleaning:

  • Dilute OptiPro Multi-Enzymatic Manual Detergent Concentrate at 1-4mL/L of warm water.
  • Use solution temperature should not exceed 60°C.
  • Complete a degas cycle prior to cleaning.
  • Run appropriate ultrasonic cleaning cycle per the device manufacturer’s written IFU.
  • Rinse and flush items per the device manufacturer’s written IFU, then proceed with the decontamination process.

Automated Flushing of Flexible Endoscopes:

  • The cleaning solution should be made fresh for every scope.
  • Dilute OptiPro Multi-Enzymatic Manual Detergent Concentrate at 1-4 mL/L of warm water.
  • Proceed with the automated flushing of flexible endoscope per the device manufacturer’s written IFU.
  • Rinse and flush items per the device manufacturer’s written IFU, then proceed with the decontamination process.


PreSoak and Manual Cleaning of Medical Instruments:

  • Dilute OptiPro Multi-Enzymatic Manual Detergent Concentrate at 1-4 mL/L of warm water.
  • Use solution temperature should not exceed 43°C.
  • Presoak instruments as needed until soil is dissolved and removed from the instruments. Soak for a minimum of 1-5 minutes.
  • Additional soak time or light mechanical cleaning with an instrument brush may be necessary depending on instrument complexity or age of soil. Refer to IFU for brushing and cleaning.
  • Rinse and flush items per the device manufacturer’s written IFU, then proceed with the decontamination process.


  • Infection Control
  • Healthcare Facilities
  • Central Sterile Departments
  • Endoscopy
  • Residential Aged Care


  • safety data sheet (sds)
  • Brochure


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