Asepti RHW

Acidic rinsing solution with lubricating effect for surgical and medical instruments. Designed for use in machines that do NOT have reverse osmosis rinse water.

ARTG 128575

Asepti RHW


  • Asepti RHW is an acidic neutralising rinse aid for surgical and medical instruments with a drying activator that is suited for use in machines with rinse water feed that has NOT been purified by reverse osmosis.
  • Asepti RHW is highly compatible with Polyphenylsulphone (PPSU), Polysulphone (PSU) & Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and is suitable to use as a rinse aid in cycles containing these materials.
  • Asepti RHW is recommended for use with non-osmosis water rinse & promotes efficient drying when dosed at 0.03 to 0.05mL/L.
  • Asepti RHW as a Neutralising & Lubricating rinse. The neutralising & lubricating effect of Asepti RHW increases with increasing concentration. Efficient neutralisation and lubrication is typically achieved by dosing the terminal “NON RO” thermal rinse at 0.05 to 3.0mL/L. Care should be taken to balance the pH of the final rinse water in order to avoid excess acidity in the final rinse. Consult with Ecolab Healthcare to ensure that the correct pH balance is achieved when programming the rinse cycles using Asepti RHW.
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  • Colourless clear liquid
  • pH pure product* at 20°C: min. 2 – max. 3
  • pH diluted at 0.03%*: about 4,2
  • pH diluted at 0.3%*: about 3,6
  • Density at 20°C: 1.03
  • Conductivity at 0.03% – 0.2%: 53 – 228 μS/cm
  • *pH measured in RO water
Product Code Product Description Quote
7400241 Asepti RHW, 5 L
7400282 Asepti RHW, 110 L

Safety Information

Do not mix with any other products. For further information, safety instructions and health warnings, see product label and Safety Data Sheet.


  • Concentrated solution for professional use.
  • Use at automatic dilutions of 0.03 to 0.3% (i.e. 0.3 to 3 ml) in cold or hot water depending on the type of machine.
  • Compatible with thermal disinfection cycles.


  • Infection Control
  • Healthcare Facilities
  • Residential Aged Care
  • Life Science

Relevant Product


  • safety data sheet (sds)
  • Video
  • Brochure


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